Whatever 2020 we've lived till now, it definitely felt like a long year. A quilt had to be made. Recycling some reused leftovers from my past adventures for this one. A hand stitched hug to keep us safe and warm.
You can probably spot a lot of the old quilts in this. You can see a bit of my green kurta that had to be taken out of circulation because of Maoo's peculiar display of affection. There's my white kurta that I can't wear for the same reason and my old Bedsheets that I can't use, also for the same reason. I guess I'm trying to keep all those special moments safe in these layers. Making sure that they'll be remembered and cherished for the ages to come.
I am surprised that quarantine quilting is not a THING yet.
To me, it seems like the most logical thing to do!
Living with restrictions is not something we'd ever want, and yet, here we are. Staying away from our own people is not something we'd choose, and yet, here we are. Choosing to stay indoors on a nice breezy evening is not something we'd usually do, and yet, here we are. We've changed. The last few months, we've spent a lot of time figuring out our boundaries. Physical, personal and emotional boundaries. Trying to find a balance that works for us, keeps everyone safe and lets us breathe freely.
This one is for the limitless space that we've found within our boundaries and also for the abundance beyond the boundaries that we now know will never be enough.
Check out more in the Unbound section.