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The Library of hOles

Penguin Random House India

The library of hOles
Boxset design for Duckbill, PRH India (@penguinsters)
Imagine you buy 24 incredible hOlebooks and you get one for free! Just like that! It's an offer you can not refuse. This boxset is a unique collection of 25 immensely enjoyable hOlebooks published by Duckbill over the years. The boxset features characters from every single book in this set! A collection that's funner than the sum of its parts!
Working with Sayoni (@sayonibasoo) and Ayushi (@aysaxena) on this boxset was a riot. I cannot remember a more enjoyable interaction with my collaborators, honestly. It's always a blessing to have editors that let you do everything you want to. The boxset went through a series of ambitious and ambiguous phases, but fortunately, at the end, it turned out to be one of most fun designs. I genuinely am so happy for this project!

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